dAIsy21 *Artificial Intelligence house dealer*

3 min readNov 24, 2020

ProjectGamma.AI, Calvin Green

BlackJack (21) Reinforcement Algorithm via OpenAI Gym,Web3,Ganache,DNT,WebRTC,CoinbasePro

dAIsy21 — (Non-deterministic/deterministic hybrid AI systems) via Proof of Stake

Compete with real DNT against “dAIsy”, the AI blackjack dealer

What/Who is dAIsy

What is dAIsy 21

dAIsy21 offers a solution for Blackjack, Craps, and gambling lovers to compete solo or with other players in real time against ”dAIsy”, the Artificial Intelligence house dealer. The Goal of dAIsy21 would be along the lines of having a fair match, with counting cards out the question, and less public aggression/ anxiety, because the only input that matters on the players behalf is how much they want to bid and an DNT wallet address and how many players they would like to play against. dAIsy will deal the hand dealt and the game can last 10 seconds to >20 minutes depending on the state of the current game.

How Does it work?

There will be a maximum of 5 players which will be able to bid however much they feel necessary. The payout will be based on the current payout structure of blackjack but with an incentive of this game being a quick, low cost method of different classes i.e. less amount to bid and more expensive to bid for entering the house. Also other than going to a casino and enduring that which can be a painful experience, dAIsy21 brings gambling to the safety and comfort of a players home.

The exchanges are going through the players DNT wallets so each transaction will be verified on the blockchain as well as every win/loss will be served on its own network via IPFS. Being the protocol is based on DNT, you will be able to play with people across the globe while at a cafe, on a plane (depending on how the Ethereum Satellite plays out November 20,2020, or just at a get together in your kitchen.

dAIsy intelligent house system for BlackJack 21

Will casinos hate this concept?

Honestly I have no idea or do I care but most likely they will despise me if they haven’t already started implementing this and it’s their own fault. I see this as a way for gambling to change the way it can be operated, and dAIsy21 is one of many steps to being one of the first scalable low-level decentralized social apps for the interplanetary gambling market for games likes Craps, Blackjack, etc..

What will be the advantages of blockchain gambling:

  1. Blockchain is basically unhackable, so the casino gets the highest level of financial security
  2. Fast cross-border transactions without fees in the blockchain network
  3. Players have full ownership of their money, as this information is registered on the blockchain ledger. The data cannot be tampered with in any way
  4. Playable money becomes liquid and easier to manage
  5. Blockchain enables P2P transactions
  6. Biometric security (enabled by a mobile app).
  7. Players can be allowed to borrow money from other players.
  8. WebRTC communications
  9. Use of various Cryptocurrency exchanges.. In this case Coinbase Pro
  10. It’s fun and informational

To run this Program:

  • Install Ganache Client
  • Install Ipfs Desktop (Windows , Mac, Linux)
  • Once installed open Ganache and create an Ethereum environment for testnet
  • Python Ver: 3.7.7
  • Install requirements.txt file > pip install requirements.txt -r **WIP
  • Navigate to ../Lafranc/aiortc/DFproto/df
  • Run python jacked.py > install necessary dependencies (testnet)viaWeb3,Ganache
  • input DNT wallet addresses to house dealer, and players Address input via CoinbasePro API. Payouts will be in DNT but equal to 1LaFranc Token





CalvinGreen, Helping the progression of machine and nature